An economics graduate that always hated her math
but loved her theories.
Believes that Economics can be found in :
– the bathroom
– in front of your vanity mirror
– and in every place beautiful.

These are the controversial, even shocking proclamations of Juliet. Juliet is a graduate of Business Economics in one of the best universities in her home country, and she has immensely enjoyed Economics as a course since it was her subject of interest since high school.

Only that, she understood it a totally different way. The vain way.

Often, she would shock her seatmates from college, from exclaiming and relating anything discussed by the professor to anything vain, or any beauty products that she could think of. Her brain works that way, because she is a darling vain in nature.

She never walks out of the door not knowing how she looks like, or not assured by none other than her favorite vanity mirror that she looks perfect. Her love for skin care and cosmetics, has rather become an important passion for her that brought life to this blog.

Her favorite pastime is doing makeovers. She cannot stand anyone looking under-optimized, for she thinks that everyone is beautiful. She is willing to share makeup tips, and even do someone’s makeup because her simple dream is to make this world, literally, a beautiful place, full of beautiful faces.

Thus, this blog. The Economics of Vanity. A fusion of beauty tips, ideas, skin care and makeup advice, and the latest products in the beauty industry with simple economic theories ( so as not to scare readers away with graphs! haha! ) that aims, definitely, to help and inform people that vanity IS NOT A SIN! Vanity is something that can help people feel good about themselves, bring about a boost of confidence, thus, enhancing productivity in whatever they do.

Oh, last but not the least, she is in love, with mineral makeup.

P.S. Juliet is a pseudonym that is taken from the author’s ten year old sister who is currently begging the author for more nail polish and mineral makeup to play with.